All students may begin arriving to school at 8:15 am (9:45 am on Fridays). Please note that there will no longer be an early arrival for breakfast. Students eating breakfast should report to the cafeteria. All other students should report to the playground area. There is no playground access before 8:15 on Monday – Thursday and 9:45 on Fridays.
Bus AM - The back parking lot is for STAFF PARKING and BUS PARKING ONLY. Please DO NOT enter this lot. Students will exit the school buses and either report for breakfast or go to the playground. When the bell rings, students will line-up and be picked up by their teacher and escorted to class.
Student drop-off AM –The drop-off loop is in the front of the building near the main entrance and is accessible from Lake Youngs Way SE. A left turn into the loop is NOT PERMITTED. Students can be dropped off beginning at 8:15 am . Please remain in your car if you are dropping off your child and move quickly forward to allow others to do the same. If possible, your child should be seated on the PASSENGER SIDE for quick and safe access to the sidewalk. Please plan to park your vehicle if your child needs additional assistance. Please remember to be respectful and watch for directions from the drop-off loop attendants and the school safety patrol members. Please be aware that the drop-off loop does become congested, so please plan accordingly to ensure your child arrives to school on time.
Bus PM - Students who ride school transportation will board the buses in the back parking lot under the supervision of school staff. The back loop is ONLY for staff parking and school buses.
Student pick-up PM – The school day ends at 3:10 pm. Students not riding school transportation should be picked up in the front of the building. It is imperative that all students who do not ride the bus are picked up promptly following dismissal.
When dropping off or picking up your child at school, please do not park in the area reserved for school buses or in parking spaces reserved for those with handicap parking permits. There is open parking for school visitors in the front and back school parking lots.
Our school's student safety patrol will be on duty before and after school. They supervise students crossing at designated crosswalks close to our school campus.